Our team

At Abeilles, we provide first-class professional support to businesses and individuals who may find aspects of their admin either time-consuming or simply overwhelming.

My hand-picked team of virtual executive assistants can help you with all aspects of business administration, revenue management and analysis, contract negotiation, marketing and strategic development.

We always have our eyes on the bigger picture, and are proactive with ideas to improve your productivity and revenue.


Nadia Bennouna

Found of Abeilles

Hello, I’m Nadia Bennouna, Director of Abeilles.

I have more than 20 years’ experience working in operations, revenue management, human resources and contracts.

So I know all about the admin processes you need to make your company a success.

At Abeilles, we provide first-class professional support to businesses and individuals who may find aspects of their admin either time-consuming or simply overwhelming.

My hand-picked team of virtual executive assistants can help you with all aspects of business administration, revenue management and analysis, contract negotiation, marketing and strategic development.